global label management

The chemical industry has special requirements for labeling packaged and bulk products. Labels must show hazardous and dangerous goods data in addition to product and logistical data. Global Label Management (GLM) supports those needs and integrates into logistical processes such as process order or delivery. GLM can be used as of SAP R/3 Release 4.6.

Success Story:

Global Label Management at Ashland Inc.

Printout of Master and Logistical Data

  • Substance Database (e.g. precautionary measures, hazardous symbols for Canadian WHMIS regulation)
  • Material Master (e.g. brand name)
  • Dangerous Goods Master (e.g. UN/NA number, DOT Diamonds)
  • Delivery (e.g. address of recipient)
  • Process Order (e.g. batch number, production date)
  • Plant Data (e.g. address)
  • User Entries at time of labeling (e.g. sequence number)
  • Additional Report Symbols provide the ability to print any SAP stored data 

SAP supports label output in any language and character set maintained in SAP, including Asian languages.

Powerful Label Template Designer

WWI, a Microsoft WORD based label template designer that integrates seamlessly into SAP, allows superior label template design. Hazardous and transport symbols can be printed dynamically depending on substance ratings and dangerous good classifications. As a result of SAP's multi language environment, one label template not only can be used for many different products, but also can print labels in different languages. Necessary languages can be determined by the system based on given (transit) countries.

Distributed SAP system landscape is supported

Remote Function Calls (RFC) allows logistical data to be pulled from other SAP systems.


Completely integrated labeling concept in SAP, leading to

  • minimized data maintenance
  • regulatory compliance output of hazardous and dangerous goods data
  • support for multi-lingual output and exotic character sets
  • centralized labeling cockpit
  • Versioning/Archiving/Tracking of labeling history
  • Easily extendable
  • Intranet and Internet integration

Product Safety / Dangerous Goods Label


Benefit from our many years of experience and the expertise of our partners. Our deep knowledge and proven methods guarantee a successful implementation of SAP GLM.

Get advice from our experienced experts. Our specialists provide customized solutions and support you every step of the implementation process.

Learn how to optimize your labeling by combining the knowledge of Loftware and SI PRO. With our innovative solutions, you can improve the efficiency and accuracy of your labeling systems.

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