SI PRO GTS-Connector

The SI PRO GTS connector is a specifically developed adapter that connects the GTS with SAP EHS or SAP ERP and reads master data from the other system, evaluates it and writes it back to the GTS. In the chemical industry, the GTS-EHS connector is mainly used for product classification based on composition or the transfer of dangerous goods data for customs declaration. In the discrete industry, our customers use the GTS-ERP connector for automatic product classification based on bills of materials.

GTS – EHS Connector

Most of our customers from the chemical industry use regulatory content in SAP EHS. Often, trade control regulatory data is also present in the packages used (such as inventory status, or CWC listing). This data is loaded substance based but would be usable via the substance-material link. We have often been asked by our customers whether this available master data could not also be used for trade control in GTS as the basis of a classification. With the help of our specially developed GTS-EHS connector, they can, via specific trade control rules (secondary data determination), read out all regulated substances from the composition in EHS, evaluate them and transfer them to GTS. The major advantage of this approach is that the classification determined in the EHS for a real substance can be assigned to many products in the GTS. The classification in most chemical-related laws often depends exclusively on listed CAS numbers and not on the container size of the sales product. With the GTS-EHS connector, you thus obtain a cutting edge for the automatic classification of products, as well as the possibility to classify many times faster. Furthermore, it is possible to transfer any data field from SAP EHS to GTS. For some of our customers, for example, we have written the dangerous goods data for the customs declaration into GTS.​​

The GTS-EHS connector is a framework program, which is individually customized.

GTS – ERP Connector

In the discrete industry, substances and compositions do not play a major role for trade control. Here, the focus is primarily on bills of materials and assemblies. Although GTS has an interface to ERP as standard, it quickly reaches its limits. With the GTS-ERP connector, complex parts lists (e.g. of nested assemblies) can now be used for automatic classification. By breaking down all bills of material into their individual components, products can be evaluated quickly.

An essential advantage of the GTS-ERP connector is the possibility to transfer additional master and transaction data into GTS. This data can then be used in GTS to better distinguish special logistics processes from standard processes. The GTS-ERP connector is a framework program that is adapted to the customer's individual requirements.


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SI PRO Presents at Loftware Convergence 2024: Loftware Integration for SAP Product Compliance


SI PRO becomes the first certified partner for 3E's ERC+ Suite


SAP for Process Industries and Natural Resources Conference
